A gigantic exact replica of Noah’s Ark, and its trip to Brazil, is nearing completion in The Netherlands and the organization responsible for it hopes to set sail for Brazil in the near future. The massive and awe inspiring ship has been built to exact biblical standards, found in the Book of Genesis, by Dutch carpenter Johan Huibers.
The Ark is 410 feet long, 75 feet high and 95 feet wide. It can hold as many as 5,000 people aboard and there are five massive decks inside the great ship. The Ark is the brainchild of The Ark of Noah Foundation located in Pasadena, California. The Ark was conceived and built by the non-profit organization to be a catalyst for teaching the religion of Christianity around the world and the Ark is actually available for events.
It hopes to set sail and hit several Brazilian ports this coming summer. They are in the middle of a fund drive that will help underprivileged children in Brazil be able to get to and see the Ark when it docks near them. While focused on Brazil for the moment, the organization also hopes to visit Buenos Ares, Columbia, Havana, Panama, and Montevideo in the near future. It also hopes to get to the West Coast of the United States and dock in Seattle, San Francisco, Long Beach, and San Diego.
The Ark took Huibers six years to build from 2008-2013. The organization believes that it will inspire and bring to life that tumultuous time of the Old Testament and Torah and will hopefully ignite even more interest in the teachings of Jesus. The Ark has an events center and a museum and this is the second Ark that Huibers has constructed.
The Ark will be lifted onto a barge for its epic journey across the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil and the entire voyage will be broadcast live online. For Huibers, 33, it has really been a lifelong dream to construct an actual replica of the biblical Noah’s Ark. The finished product is truly remarkable and it is certain that it will draw huge crowds wherever it decides to land.
PHOTO SOURCE: The Ark of Noah Foundation